Portable Electric PTO Drive
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There's a cheaper way to fill silo, dry crops, pump liquid manure, grind feed or pump water for irrigation. It's Portalectric PTO, a "go anywhere" electric PTO drive unit that not only frees up your tractor for other jobs but costs a lot less to operate, according to Reuben Kottwitz, manufacturer.
"For every dollar you spend operating silo blowers, dryers and other stationary equipment with this portable electric unit, you'll spend $25 to do the same work with your tractor,"explains Kottwitz."And, you don't have to babysit this electric drive unit. Just start it up and forget it - it takes care of itself. It will even operate in snow or rain."
The Portalectric PTO is available in single or 3-phase power (220 or 480 volts) and in sizes ranging from 20 to 100 hp. It's also available in either 540 or 1000 rpm drive, or in two speed models that operate at either 540 or 1000 rpm's.
"Our biggest seller has been the 60 hp, 540 rpm. model, but the 60 hp model operating at 1,000 rpm's is coming on strong." Kottwitz told FARM SHOW.
"If you're using a recutter in conjunction with your silo blower, we recommend using our 75 to 100 hp. model, depending on height of your silo. If you don't use a recutter, our 40 to 60 hp model at 540 rpm's should be adequate. All models will babysit themselves and work around the clock with no oil to change, no filters to replace and no spark plugs to check, clean or adjust. About 8 of every 10 units we have sold have gone •to farmers who use them primarily for operating silo blowers. Other popular uses are for pumping liquid manure, grinding feed or operating crop dryers."
Drive shafts on all models are mounted. on self-aligning ball bearings for long life. Units are equipped with a magnetic starter with overload protection. Either a crossline starter or a reduced voltage starter is used, whichever the local power supplier requires. A large easy-to-read ammeter lets the operator know at all times the amount of load being applied to the unit.
"Any farm with at least 200 amps service coming into it should be able to use our Portalectric PTO," says Kottwitz.
Costs range from right at $2,000 for the 20 hp model up to $5,000 for the 100 hp model. The 60 hp model sells for right at $3,500. All equipment is mounted and completely wired within the electric control box. The trailer model unit is well balanced and one man can easily maneuver it by hand if necessary, Kottwitz points out.
For more details, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Reuben Kottwitz Manufacturing, Box 348, Watertown, Wis. 53094 (ph. 414-261-5203).

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Portable Electric PTO Drive POWER TAKE OFFS (PTO'S) Power Take Offs (PTO's) 3-3-31 There's a cheaper way to fill silo, dry crops, pump liquid manure, grind feed or pump water for irrigation. It's Portalectric PTO, a "go anywhere" electric PTO drive unit that not only frees up your tractor for other jobs but costs a lot less to operate, according to Reuben Kottwitz, manufacturer.
"For every dollar you spend operating silo blowers, dryers and other stationary equipment with this portable electric unit, you'll spend $25 to do the same work with your tractor,"explains Kottwitz."And, you don't have to babysit this electric drive unit. Just start it up and forget it - it takes care of itself. It will even operate in snow or rain."
The Portalectric PTO is available in single or 3-phase power (220 or 480 volts) and in sizes ranging from 20 to 100 hp. It's also available in either 540 or 1000 rpm drive, or in two speed models that operate at either 540 or 1000 rpm's.
"Our biggest seller has been the 60 hp, 540 rpm. model, but the 60 hp model operating at 1,000 rpm's is coming on strong." Kottwitz told FARM SHOW.
"If you're using a recutter in conjunction with your silo blower, we recommend using our 75 to 100 hp. model, depending on height of your silo. If you don't use a recutter, our 40 to 60 hp model at 540 rpm's should be adequate. All models will babysit themselves and work around the clock with no oil to change, no filters to replace and no spark plugs to check, clean or adjust. About 8 of every 10 units we have sold have gone •to farmers who use them primarily for operating silo blowers. Other popular uses are for pumping liquid manure, grinding feed or operating crop dryers."
Drive shafts on all models are mounted. on self-aligning ball bearings for long life. Units are equipped with a magnetic starter with overload protection. Either a crossline starter or a reduced voltage starter is used, whichever the local power supplier requires. A large easy-to-read ammeter lets the operator know at all times the amount of load being applied to the unit.
"Any farm with at least 200 amps service coming into it should be able to use our Portalectric PTO," says Kottwitz.
Costs range from right at $2,000 for the 20 hp model up to $5,000 for the 100 hp model. The 60 hp model sells for right at $3,500. All equipment is mounted and completely wired within the electric control box. The trailer model unit is well balanced and one man can easily maneuver it by hand if necessary, Kottwitz points out.
For more details, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Reuben Kottwitz Manufacturing, Box 348, Watertown, Wis. 53094 (ph. 414-261-5203).
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