2024 - Volume #48, Issue #2, Page #04
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Homemade Tractor Steps Improve Accessibility
Adelman sourced the steps from a Deere combine at the dump. “It took a lot of time browsing around to find the right pieces, but a dump fee is surely cheaper than paying for an ironworker and blacksmith.”
The first step is 16 in. off the ground, and the handrail on the side makes them act more like stairs than a ladder.
“I’m 89 years old, so I don’t work fast,” says Adelman. “This was the kind of project that you start, then look at another way in your mind, then try again.”
“I only had so much room between the loader frame and tire to get it to fit. A blacksmith could have gotten it done much more quickly.”
Originally, the 6-in. frame was on the tractor frame under the deck, a pretty good stretch for Adelman. “When you get to my age, it becomes impossible,” he chuckles. “The handrail I added makes a world of difference as you get older.”
Rice is pleased with the result, sharing that it’s far superior to the steps that come from the factory. “My advice? Don’t be in a hurry to get this kind of project done.” He says, “Shortcuts aren’t worth it.”
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Les Adelman, Rice, Minn. (ph 320-393-2741).
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