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Crop Sprayer Made From Chevy Blazer
We mounted a crop sprayer on the chassis of a Chevy Blazer to speed up crop spraying on our farm. We fitted the Blazer chassis with a GMC truck cab, raising it 10 in. off the frame to make room for large Terra tires, which we use in muddy conditions. Under dry conditions, we use regular 20 in. truck tires.
We use the sprayer for everything from pre-plant to post emergent spraying for corn and soybeans, spraying at speeds up to 12 mph thanks to our "shock-cushioned" spray boom. Six air shocks cushion the boom, with two shocks in the middle and two on each wing. The end sections of each boom wing are fitted with nitrogen..charged cylinders (from the rear door on a Dodge Caravan) that allow the boom ends to fold back if struck and then straighten out again automatically.
Electric solenoids, housed in a metal box just ahead of the boom, control the hydraulics which raise and lower the boom and fold up the wings. Hydraulics are controlled by switches in the cab. (L.D. & A.J. Pitcher, RR, Montrose, ill. 62445 ph 217-924-4115)

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1994 - Volume #18, Issue #1