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Trailer-Mate Automatic Hitch
My new Trailer-Mate automatic hitch eliminates the need for expensive adapters on wagon tongues like you need with other auto hitches. My hitch is equipped with hydraulically-operated jaws that are opened and closed by a 1 by 4-in. cylinder. The hitch pin is left in the wagon tongue at all times. The hitch is lowered to the ground and the opera-tor backs up until the stationary jaw contacts the hitch pin. Then the moveable jaw is hydraulically closed around the pin.
One Trailer-Mate is all you need whether you have one wagon or a hundred. You never have to get off the tractor. The hitch lowers all the way to the ground so there's no need to block the wagon tongue up. Sells for $470 and mounts on any 3-pt. or quick-hitch. (Adam Anderson, Enviro-Systems, Box
184, Eagle Grove, Iowa 50533 ph 515 448-3122 or toll-free 1 800 955-2263)

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1994 - Volume #18, Issue #1