1988 - Volume #12, Issue #6, Page #10
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Modified Chaff Blower Fits Case/IH 1480 Combine
"We made a chaff blower for our Case/ IH 1480 combine for less than $650 using a salvaged chaff blower from an IH 914 combine. That sure beats the $3,000 cost of a new chaff blower and we think it works better," says Ethelbert Heck, Liebenthal, Sask.Heck first built a frame to mount the blower unit itself on the side of the combine. He then extended the length of the auger, which feeds chaff to the blower, to 76 in. to accommodate the extra width of the 1480. That's when he had problems. The auger shaft kept breaking because it was too thin for the increased length of the auger.
Heck solved the problem by replacing the auger with an 11-in. wide conveyor belt, that also feeds chaff more evenly than an auger. The blower is driven at 2,000 rpm's and the belt at 600 feet per minute. A small beater wheel mounts just above the conveyor belt where chaff enters the blower. It compresses material so it'll enter the blower. The beater runs at 11/2 times the speed of the belt.
All three driven components are powered off the back beater shaft on the right side of the combine. A jack shaft extends across the rear of the combine to drive the blower on the other side. A right angle belt drive powers the conveyor belt and a pulley on the conveyor drive powers the beater wheel.
"The cost of the entire job, including bearings, shafts, iron, bolts, pulleys, and belts was right at $650. If I were going to do it again I'd save money by using an old 12-in. snowmobile track because it would have all the required belting, bearings and rollers. And you would probably spend less money installing a conveyor and blower on other makes of combines if you didn't have to rig up a jackshaft to drive the unit," says Heck. "We put 42-ft. oat swaths through it with no plugging problems, although we did have to put a shield over the conveyor belt so the straw spreader wouldn't throw straw onto the belt and plug it up."
Contact FARM SHOW Followup, Ethelbert Heck, Double E Farms, Ltd., Box 47, Liebenthal, Sask. S0N 1L0 Canada (ph 306 628-4250).

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