1988 - Volume #12, Issue #6, Page #33
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Winter Heat Booster For IH Tractors
Dennis Dodd, Reinbeck, Ill., came up with a neat cover for the front grill on his IH 986 tractor to boost heater capacity in winter.Dodd simply put screw-in snaps around the perimeter of the plastic grill. He cut a piece of canvas to fit the grill and then fitted it with snaps to match the grill. "If we don't put a cover over the grill we get very little heat on cold days. This idea works great and would work on most other tractors with the same problem," says Dodd, noting that he fitted the canvas cover with two "inside out" snaps at the bottom so he can fold the canvas down halfway during moderately cool weather.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Dennis Dodd, Rt. 1, Reinbeck, Iowa 50669 (ph 319 989-2591).

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