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Self-Propelled Weed Wiper Cart
"Our new self-propelled weed wiper cart lets you apply Roundup to tall growing weeds in drilled or row crops without knocking down as much crop as an ATV or tractor. It also has much more crop clearance so you can use it later in the season," says Ron Lubke, Quality Metal Works, Stanford, Ill.
Lubke mounted a 301/2-ft. wide, 3-section Speidel Applicator - a wiping type herbicide applicator for applying Roundup to tall growing weeds in a crop or pasture - directly to a 3-wheeled Nitzsche self-propelled weeder. It's powered by a 5 1/2-hp Honda engine and has a 6-speed transmission (five forward and one reverse). The two rear drive wheels are chain-driven off the engine and the single front wheel is used to steer (either by hand or with your feet). The rear wheels are adjustable for row spacings of 28 to 40 in. Maximum operating speed is 9 mph.
"It has excellent traction and good stability and is easier to control than an ATV pulled weed wiper," says Lubke. "The operator has excellent visibility of the wicks, and the 36-in. ground clearance lets you go through almost any crop. It's ideal for control of Johnsongrass, volunteer rye, dog-bane, shattercane, volunteer corn, red rice, or any other weed that grows above the crop. The rate of herbicide flow is controlled by valves and can be adjusted for thick or thin weed densities. It can also be used for spot spraying or to pull a 21, 30 1/2, 42 1/2, or 45 1/2-ft. weed wiper cart.
"The wings are carried on 2.25 by 16 pneumatic tires and are hinged, allowing them to float up and down to follow the ground contour. The wings fold to the rear for a 12-ft. transport width."
Sells for $3,965.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Ron Lubke, Quality Metal Works, Inc., Box 358, 200 School St., Stanford, Ill. 61774 (ph 309 379-5311).

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1995 - Volume #19, Issue #6