1988 - Volume #12, Issue #6, Page #32
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Electric Dividers Keep Cows From Stealing
"My new electric divider plates eliminate the frustration of trying to feed a special ration to a particular cow only to have neighboring cows steal it away," says Dennis Westphal, farmer-inventor of new Manger Master electric divider plates that "train" cows to eat only their own feed.Westphal came up with the idea on his own dairy farm. "I wanted to control what gets fed to each cow. Now I can even feed dry cow rations right alongside the other animals with no problems at all. Once the animals get used to them - it takes just a day or so - you not only improve feed efficiency but you cut down on knee damage to cows and reduce wear and tear to stalls."
The divider plate consists of a 4 by 10-in. white plastic insulator plate that clamps directly to the stanchion with a pair of U-bolts, and a 1-ft. sq. piece of flexible, conductive rubber that's imbedded with metal so it can deliver an electric jolt to the animal. The rubber flexes back and forth if bumped by a broom or feed cart and is wired directly to an electric controller of the same type used for cow trainers.
Westphal recommends mounting the plates 5 to 6 in. off the floor. "It makes the cows a bit jittery the first couple days, but they quickly get used to it. I know now that I can completely control what I feed to any animal and that reduces stress on both the animals and on me," he says. His Manger Master divider plates sell for $21.70 apiece. The controller is not included.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Pipeline Express, Inc., Rt. 1, Box 498, Buffalo, Minn. 55313 (ph 612 682-5630).

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