1988 - Volume #12, Issue #6, Page #03
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Fifth Wheel Box Cap For Pickups
If you pull a fifth wheel trailer with your pickup, you'll like this new fifth wheel "box cap" from Bo-Wi Enterprises, Menominee, Mich.The "box cap" consists of a flat fiberglass panel that covers the entire pickup box. There are lockable 18 by 36-in. hatch covers on either side of the forward half for easy access to store tools, tack, chairs, grills, stoves, etc. Once a fifth wheel trailer is hooked up, the box cap closes up around the gooseneck.
"It's a problem to find enough room for tool boxes, grills or camp gear in fifth wheel trailer storage compartments. Many people load tools or equipment into the cab because there's no place to secure them in the pickup box. Our `box cap' locks up securely and the flat surface eliminates air drag created by the tailgate. You can expect 1 to 1 1/2 mpg better fuel economy," says Don Bolander, president.
The front end of the box cap is secured with turnbuckles attached to the pickup's stake pockets. The rear end of the unit is bolted to the pickup's rear corner posts.
To hook up to your trailer, simply lower the pickup tailgate and the box cap's two rear centerline doors. The fifth wheel center plug slides forward out of the way. After hookup you can close the two rear doors and your tailgate.
Retails for $895. Dealer inquiries welcome.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Bo-Wi Enterprises, Inc., N1425 Oak Park Drive, Menominee, Mich. 49858 (ph 906 863-2839).

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