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Vertical Demolition Has It’s Ups and Downs
Taking down a silo next to a barn or a prized tree isn’t easy, but L.J. Irving and Sons does it all the time. Their building demolition business has grown to include vertical demolition. That includes everything from farm silos to grain elevators, tall buildings, and more.
    “We started getting into vertical work 5 to 6 years ago after 30 years in the demolition business,” says Martin Irving, L.J. Irving and Sons. “We have competent people, and it was an easy transition.”
    He adds that every demolition is different. Some require explosives, while others can be done mechanically. What can be done depends on site conditions and the customer’s budget. Clear communication is key from the beginning.
    “We need to know the customer’s expectations,” says Irving. “What are they going to use the site for in the future? We go into the job accordingly to prepare the property for the secondary use.”
    He knows there is often anxiety when taking down a structure. He sees his goal as solving another person’s problem.
    “We try to be budget friendly,” he says. “Grandma Smith isn’t going to pay for a $170,000 excavator to show up. We have to keep her budget in mind.”
    L.J. Irving and Sons works throughout the state of Ohio. Prices vary by distance from their headquarters, as well as the job itself. “If there is no one else to do the job in the manner needed, we try to make it as painless as possible.”
    Irving is open to consulting on demolition needs outside of the state.
    “It’s important to choose a contractor you trust to complete your project on time, on budget and with the greatest protection for you and your site,” says Irving.
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, L.J. Irving and Sons, T-225 County Rd. 16
Napoleon, Ohio 43545 (ph 419 599-0118; www.ljirving.com).

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2020 - Volume #44, Issue #4