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Hot Pepper Spray Stops Poultry Pecking
Anyone who has raised chickens or other poultry knows that birds can gang up on vulnerable birds and peck them to death. Stop That Peckin’ spray stops the problem, says Janet Sauber, CEO of J.M. Saddler, Inc., in Texas, which formulated and sells the spray.
    “We recommend you spray new birds that enter the flock as well as sick or injured birds. It’ll keep them from being attacked,” she notes.
    The spray contains capsaicin oil extracted from hot peppers. It is unpleasant and distasteful, but doesn’t hurt the bird it’s sprayed on. It tastes bitter if you accidentally get it in your mouth.
    “A little (one spray) goes a long way,” she adds.
    The 8-oz. bottle has about 200 sprays. Often, one spray treatment is enough to protect a bird.
    “Basically what you are trying to do is get them to change behavior and once they stop, they usually stop for good” Sauber says.
    Stop That Peckin’ works for birds raised in large groups in buildings as well as backyard poultry, including chickens, ducks and turkeys.
    Stop That Peckin’ sells for $13 on the company’s website. The company also makes several “quit chew” products for horses and dogs.
    “We use Texas A&M University as a resource. It’s nice to have someone right here that we can go to, to ask questions and get updates of regulations,” Sauber says.
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, J.M. Saddler, Inc., 9107 Riverstone Court, College Station, Texas 77845 (ph 979 693-5114; www.jmsaddler.com; info@jmsaddler.com)

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2020 - Volume #44, Issue #3