1988 - Volume #12, Issue #2, Page #24
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New Do-It-Yourself Hydraulic Hose Crimp
"Hydraulic hose always seems to fail on weekends or evenings when you can't get service in town. With our new system you can do it yourself," says Giff Hoback, Signal-Hill Corp., Arvada, Colo.The company's new crimp tool looks like a copper pipe cutter and is used in much the same way, tightening down gradually on specially-made collars to seal hose ends and couplers.
"It's a precision instrument with a built-in crimp gauge that shows you exactly how much to tighten," says Hoback, noting that the kit also comes with a separate "crimp gauge" to help monitor the job. The kit also includes a hose-holding block that fits in a vise.
To use the crimp tool you have to buy the company's specially designed fittings. Hoback says prices for couplers, flare ends, adaptors, 0-rings, and other fittings are comprable to prices for conventional fittings. The do-it-yourself tool kit, which includes the crimp tool, vise block and crimp gauge, sells for $40.
For more information, including a catalog of available fittings, contact FARM SHOW Followup, Signal-Hill Corp., 5820 W. 56th Ave., Arvada, Colo. 80002 (ph 800 292-4673 or 303 421-1548).
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