Giant Tomato Followup
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After seeing your article “Giant Tomato Plant Produces Monster Yield” (Vol. 44, No. 1), my coworker and friend Danny Lee sent this picture of his cousin Mike Smith picking tomatoes. His plant grew so tall he had to stand in a raised tractor bucket to reach the top. He had to build a well-supported cage to hold the plant up. (Namar Hodge, Murfreesboro, Tenn.)

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Giant Tomato Followup FARM HOME Food After seeing your article “Giant Tomato Plant Produces Monster Yield” Vol 44 No 1 my coworker and friend Danny Lee sent this picture of his cousin Mike Smith picking tomatoes His plant grew so tall he had to stand in a raised tractor bucket to reach the top He had to build a well-supported cage to hold the plant up Namar Hodge Murfreesboro Tenn
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