2020 - Volume #44, Issue #2, Page #37
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Honk Horn Idea To Scare Deer Away
I drive a school bus 80 to 100 miles per day in the hilly farm country of Augusta County, Virginia. I often encounter deer, bears, wolves, wild turkey, cattle, chickens and even hogs on the roads. I’ve hit two deer and a wolf. I’ve learned that you can train the deer. Rather than wait to see what they are going to do, I immediately start tapping the horn as soon as I see them. It seems they can hear better than they can see. If you tap, rather than blow the horn, the intermittent sound pulses give them the ability to quickly determine your location, direction of travel, and speed.
They will move to get away from you, even if they are in a field or away from the road. I have found this does not work as well with other animals. (Gary Meeks, Augusta County, Va.)

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