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Dead Bird Trolley Finding New Uses
The Poultry Hawk is a slick way to transport loads weighing up to 450 lbs. inside buildings. Developed by Innovative Poultry Products (IPP) to move dead birds out of poultry houses, it is quickly turning into a multi-purpose tool.
  “We have added feed trays, egg carts and even a sprayer for vaccines, insecticides and disinfectants,” says Chad Brubaker, Innovative Poultry Products.
  Brubaker knows the value of his trolley first hand. He is co-owner of a poultry operation that produces around 72,000 chickens a year. Very high summer temperatures the first year he was in the business led to high death loss. He found himself hauling out several hundred birds a day. He knew there had to be a better way than carrying them in buckets. What he came up with was a trolley that runs on rails suspended from the barn’s ceiling.
  The trolley on rails is available in automated (battery-powered) models with either dumping or fixed trays. It is also available in a manual model with a fixed tray. A wireless transmitter controls the automated trolley. It is equipped with a limit switch for preset stops, such as at exit doors or supply rooms. A diverter option automatically opens doors for load delivery outside the building.
  “I started working on the ideas in the spring of 2015, and it progressed through the fall,” says Brubaker. “That’s when we started Innovative Poultry Products and put the trolley on the market.”
  The system caught on quickly with both chicken and turkey producers. IPP has dealers in 14 states and has sold more than 400 systems in the first 3 years. Systems have been installed from Minnesota to Mississippi and the southeastern U.S. to British Columbia.
  The electric motor in the automated trolley is powered by a 23 Series, deep cycle 12-volt battery. While the battery isn’t included in the system, a battery charger with quick-connects is included. IPP suggests that a single charge can last for several days, even under heavy use.
  The automated Poultry Hawk trolley system starts at $3,000. The manual system starts at $1,450. The convenience and pricing is attracting non-poultry producers as well.
  “I recently met someone who sees potential in the greenhouse industry,” says Brubaker. “We’ll be exploring that and welcome FARM SHOW readers to find their own innovative uses.”
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Innovative Poultry Products, 2681 Juniper Creek Rd., Olar, S.C. 29843 (ph 803 571-3345 or 803 671 4221; chad@innovativepoultryproducts.com; www.innovativepoultryproducts.com).

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2019 - Volume #43, Issue #2