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Wire-Pulling Idea Pays Off
South Carolina subscriber Kent MacDougal wrote us recently to say that his power company was able to pull about 350 ft. of electrical wire through a buried conduit using a method he read about in FARM SHOW.
   “After the conduit was in the ground they tied a plastic bag to the fish tape and pulled it through the tubing with a shop vacuum, just like I’d read about in FARM SHOW,” MacDougal says. “I was happy to see that it pulled through so easily.”
  MacDougal says pulling the wire back was even easier because the power crew had another great idea. “First they parked their mini-excavator next to the conduit and used the bucket to raise one of the tracks about a foot off the ground. Then one of the crewmen wrapped the fish tape around the rubber track. The operator set the mini-excavator in slow reverse and the moving track pulled that tape and wire right through without stopping. Another worker at the other end fed in the cable and applied some lubricant to make it slide easier.”
  MacDougal says the whole operation worked so well that he told a friend about it, and it worked well for him, too.
  MacDougal’s area has been hard-hit by 3 hurricanes in the past few years that always knocked out power when tree limbs took down lines. The new underground lines should prevent outtages in the future, he says.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Kent MacDougal, 8014 Little Britton Road, Yonges Island, S. Car. 29449 (bluesbane@gmail.com).

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2019 - Volume #43, Issue #2