1987 - Volume #11, Issue #1, Page #09
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Cultivator Mini Shields
"The rolling shields on my 8-row rear-mount cultivator used to roll over the leaves and cover them with dirt during the second cultivation of corn. These mini shields, mounted inside and just ahead of the rolling shields, solved the problem," says Richard Zwaschka, Comfrey, Minn.Zwaschka explains that during first cultivations, when corn plants are small, he has no problem. But during his second cultivation, particularly when it's windy, the rolling shields often do damage to crops. "Everyone just seemed to accept the problem as the price you pay for using rolling shields," he says.
To eliminate the problem, he took a couple of older square-shaped shields, cut pieces out of them, and mounted them on a piece of flat iron just ahead of and inside the leading edge of the rolling shields. The flared mini shields guide the leaves in between the rolling shields, preventing damage.
"I use them for all cultivating on corn and beans. They don't interfere with the rolling shields and work great," says Zwaschka.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Richard Zwaschka, Rt. .2, Box 272, Comfrey, Minn.

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