2019 - Volume #43, Issue #1, Page #39
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Ditch Witch “Outrigger” Log Splitter
“Last summer we had almost 18 in. of rain in 2 1/2 days, which washed out a bridge and a bunch of trees near my home. I had previously built a backhoe for my 6510 Ditch Witch and, since I now needed a good wood splitter, I got the idea of using one of the outriggers as a splitter,” says Ray Horan, Ashland, Penn.“The hoses were long enough to turn the 12-in. long, 3-in. dia. cylinder upside down. I made a heavy mounting frame on the side of the backhoe frame to hold the cylinder and used the outrigger frame to make the base of the splitter. Two long bolts tie the two together. I welded a hook on the base so I can use a chain to lift it up when I need to use the outrigger. “I put a large piece of hardwood on the base as a backstop for the cyinder, and made a big splitting wedge to fit the cylinder.
“I didn’t know if the 3-in. cylinder would be big enough but, after about 5 cords of wood, I haven’t found anything it won’t split. A neighbor brings over big pieces of knotty oak and it goes through them like butter.
“The cycle time is about 7 seconds and the existing hydraulic lever is right there where it’s easy to reach.”
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Ray Horan, 105 Runge Rd., Ashland, Penn. 17921 (ph 570 875-1017).

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