New Belt Driven Shop Air Cleaner
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Robert Hughes, Air-Vac Systems (ph 800 234-2473; “Hundreds of FARM SHOW readers have bought our shop air cleaners over the years. So we wanted to let you know that we have a new belt-driven design that lets you pick your power source – electric, hydraulic, air power, or lineshaft. The newly designed cabinet is larger and has an access door in the side for easy filter replacement. It removes dust, odors, and even VOC’s from wood finishes and paint.
“It will clean the air in a 2,000 sq. ft. area. You can add more units in a larger shop. Regular price is $2,390. FARM SHOW readers can deduct $300.”

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New Belt Driven Shop Air Cleaner FARM SHOP Maintenance Robert Hughes Air-Vac Systems ph 800 234-2473; www air-vacsystems com : “Hundreds of FARM SHOW readers have bought our shop air cleaners over the years So we wanted to let you know that we have a new belt-driven design that lets you pick your power source – electric hydraulic air power or lineshaft The newly designed cabinet is larger and has an access door in the side for easy filter replacement It removes dust odors and even VOC’s from wood finishes and paint
“It will clean the air in a 2 000 sq ft area You can add more units in a larger shop Regular price is $2 390 FARM SHOW readers can deduct $300 ”
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