2019 - Volume #43, Issue #1, Page #11
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He Built A New Fuel Tank For His Cub Tractor
Jesse LeBlanc, Gibson, La., recently bought an early 1970 IH Cub tractor equipped with a belly-mounted mower. The fuel tank on it was rusty, with about an inch of thick sludge on the bottom, so he built a new aluminum fuel tank and inserted it inside the existing tank.The hood and tank on the tractor were originally designed as a one-piece unit.
“I removed the hood and tank, then turned the tank upside down and cut out the bottom 3/4 in. from the sidewalls,” says LeBlanc. “I sandblasted both the hood and tank with a fine aggregate, and also primed and painted the tank both inside and outside. Then I built a new tank 1/2 in. smaller than the cut-out old one, leaving a 1-in. overlap on the bottom so that I could fasten it on with self-tapping screws.”
The tank’s original fill tube had an inside diameter of 2 3/8 in., which is the same as a standard 2-in. pipe. So LeBlanc temporarily installed the tank back in the tractor, then put a 3-in. long threaded aluminum nipple in the original fill hole and marked where to cut and weld it. He used a pvc threaded cap, with a 1/16-in. vent hole through the threads, as the filler cap.
“I drilled and tapped a 1/4-in. NPT hole in the bottom of the tank and then installed the fuel valve assembly. My fuel problem was fixed, and the new tank looks original. It just doesn’t hold quite as much fuel as the old one,” says LeBlanc.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Jesse LeBlanc, 248 Old Spanish Trail, Gibson, La. 70356 (ph 225 287-0679; jesseleblanc33@yahoo.com).

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