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Cow Cremator Helps Prevent Disease
The Biosecure Cow Cremator from J&D Manufacturing is a good way to reduce disease by eliminating the need for rendering truck visits or on-site composting.
  “Our cremator was originally designed for the hog and poultry industries, but we also saw a need for it in the cattle and horse markets,” explains Terry Lyon, J&D Manufacturing. “Dairy farms don’t want a rendering truck coming on their farm after it has visited 20 other farms in a day.”
  The Biosecure Cow Cremators come in 2 models, one sized for smaller dairy cows, heifers and calves. It is 9 ft. long by 52 in. wide. It is priced at $16,000 for the base unit.
  A larger unit, 9 ft. long by 64 in. wide is designed to handle large animals. It is priced around $20,000 for the base unit.
  Options for both include a secondary burner, grate kits and heat probes. Fuel sources include propane, diesel, natural gas and methane, for those farms with methane digesters.
  “When equipped with a temperature probe, the burners will fire until the animal remains begin to burn on their own,” says Lyon. “At that point, the outside fuel shuts off, but the fan continues to run, blowing air in, to maintain needed temperatures.”
  Lyon estimates that burners run approximately an hour to burn 110 lbs. of carcass. “In a matter of hours, the carcass is reduced to ash,” says Lyon. “There will be less than a gallon of ashes from every 125 lbs. of carcass, and it can safely be disposed of as you wish.”
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, J&D Manufacturing, 6200 Hwy. 12 E., Eau Claire, Wis. 54701 (ph 715 834-1439; toll free 800 998-2398; jdmfg@jdmfg.com; www.jdmfg.com).

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2018 - Volume #42, Issue #2