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Step-In Posts Used To Brace Corner
Ian Gerrish, Cobb Creek Farm, Hillsboro, Texas: One of the challenges in putting up portable fencing with step-in plastic posts is that they work best in straight lines. “It’s hard to make much of a curve or corner with the fence because the posts aren’t strong enough to withstand a side pull. A lot of people resort to using metal posts and insulators when making a curve or a corner. However, I came up with a way to make a brace with O’Briens plastic posts by using 3 of them together.”
    He faces 2 posts in opposite directions and hooks them together on top. Then he places another post against them to form an angled brace.
    “This configuration is sturdy enough to brace a fence corner. I’ve put up a quarter mile of fence from the brace point with no problems,” says Gerrish, noting that he can put O’Briens posts in the ground without pounding on them. (Kencove Fence Co., www.kencove.com; ph 800 536-2683).

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2017 - Volume #41, Issue #4