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Remote-Controlled Discharge Auger
Jared Rasmussen made life easier for his father by installing remote control on a Haybuster discharge auger.
  “My dad doesn’t like getting in and out the tractor all the time when he grinds hay,” says Rasmussen. “I looked for a low cost way to put remote control on the auger while retaining the option of manual control.”
  Rasmussen found what he was looking for with off-the-shelf components that cost him less than $300. A two-way winch remote control from Amazon cost around $13. A relay cost about $10. One-way and two-way solenoids were the most expensive, totaling about $200.
  “The remote activates the two-way solenoid to raise and lower the auger,” explains Rasmussen. “The one-way solenoid lets pressure flow through to the manual control valve.”
  He ran wires from the tractor’s 12-volt system through the relay to protect the winch controller.
  “It has worked well since I installed it,” says Rasmussen.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Jared Rasmussen, 2486 330th Ave., Newman Grove, Neb. 68758 (ph 402 841-6358).

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2016 - Volume #40, Issue #4