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Anti-Shimmy Device For Narrow Front Tractors
“I drive my Deere narrow front-end tractor on paved roads, and the shimmy was really a problem until I figured out how to fix it,” says retired Maine farmer Lauris Bailey. “Before I built my anti-shimmy device, I tried letting air out of one of the front tires, out of both of the front tires, and I even removed one of the wheels. Nothing worked. It just made the tractor harder to steer at road speed.”
  Bailey also talked to a tractor mechanic and looked at different aftermarket products to fix the shimmy problem, but couldn’t find a solution. Eventually he designed and built a bracket that mounts between the front wheels and holds a shimmy-shock stabilizer. Bailey says the device keeps a small amount of pressure on both of the wheels and holds them stable, especially when he drives at road speed on paved roads. Bailey’s device doesn’t hinder steering the tractor or cut down on the radius he can turn.
  “People have looked at this setup and told me I should’ve patented it a long time ago,” Bailey says. “It’s really not that difficult to make if a person can cut a piece of flat metal to a template, drill a few holes, and mount it to the front spindle of the tractor.” Bailey says the concept should work on any Deere tractor with a standard narrow front end. He also thinks it would work on Farmall, Oliver, Case and other tractors with narrow fronts.
  “I grew up on a farm and have been around tractors and machinery all my life,” says Bailey. “Fixing the shimmy problem on that 1959 Deere made it a lot easier driving my tractor on paved or gravel roads.”
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Lauris Bailey, 173 Bailey Hill Road, New Sharon, Maine 04955 (ph 207 778-4005).

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2016 - Volume #40, Issue #2