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Round Stove Design Has Many Benefits, Says Inventor
“If your stove isn’t round, it’s not as efficient as it could be,” says Andrew Murray about heating stoves. Everything is round in the inventor’s recently patented combustion chamber, which he calls an Efficient Solid Fuel Burning Appliance (ESFBA). FARM SHOW first met Murray at the Minnesota Inventors Congress in 2010 (Vol. 34, Issue 4), and he has been working on tweaking the design ever since.
  He builds and sells circular stoves from his South Dakota shop to customers who burn wood. But he emphasizes the stove has the potential for many applications - burning biofuel and pellets, and being used indoors or outdoors as a forced air furnace or boiler, for example. It could also be used to dry grain or produce steam, he adds.
  The heart of the stove’s efficiency is the round cast iron baffle parallel to the fire grate.
  “My baffle holds back heat and smoke, increasing the pressure, which means higher efficiency for combustion,” Murray explains. “My ESPBA benefits from a stronger cylinder shape, increase in internal pressure, more efficient heat distribution, and a smaller footprint compared to similar btu output appliances.”
  He sells his Dakota Stove set up to burn wood for $2,600, plus shipping. It produces 175,000 btu’s and uses one-third less wood than similar-sized stoves. The blower automatically adjusts between high, low and off.
  The unit is 48 in. tall and 36 in. dia. The chimney is in the middle, so the stove can be placed closer to a wall. With chimney temperatures averaging 250 to 350 degrees, Murray believes his stove eliminates chimney fires.
  “The safety and efficiency is significant, especially for the insurance industry. And, owners are more comfortable operating the stove,” Murray says.
  Currently he builds stoves per customer request. He is also interested in connecting with manufacturers about new applications for the ESFBA.
  “It would be a huge benefit to pellet and outdoor stove manufacturers,” he says.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Andrew Murray, Dakota Stove, 11698 395th Ave., Columbia, S. Dak. 57433 (ph 605 396-2431; www.dakotastove.com; Andrew.treeguy@gmail.com).

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2016 - Volume #40, Issue #1