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Wedekind Automatic Farm Gates
"We had such good response that we've had to have more literature printed," explains Donald Wedekind, manufacturer of the automatic gates for farm vehicles and center pivots which we told you about in our March-April issue.
"I've been experimenting with various types of automatic gates for several years and feel that this design is one of the most dependable, lowest-priced automatic gates ever invented," says Wedekind.
As the center pivot or vehicle crosses the drive ramp, the spring-loaded crossbars raise up out of the way to let it pass. Cattle won't bother the center pivot gates since the crossbars are electrified. The vehicle gate is designed to replace conventional cattle guards. "With a cattle guard, you have to spend up to a day digging a pit and putting in a frame of some kind," Wedekind points out. "But our 12-ft. drive-over gate sets up in minutes and can be used anyplace, including feed yards, hog lots and pastures."
Prices for the 12-ft. vehicle gate, available for electric or non-electric fence, are $189 and $280, respectively. There are a variety of other sizes available, too. Wedekind sells his 5-ft. wide center pivot gates for $40.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Wedekind Mfg., Route 1, Box 134, Lindsay, Neb. 68644 (ph 402 447-2700).

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1982 - Volume #6, Issue #1