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Weed Badger: New Way To Weed Trees
Slickest machine we've seen for keeping fruit trees, orchards or vineyards free of weeds is the Weed Badger, introduced a year ago in FARM SHOW. Since our report, the machine has been sold throughout the U.S. and in four foreign countries.
The "business end" of the unique Weed Badger is a hydraulically-driven rotor that turns at 90 rpm's. The standard rotor attachment is 20 in. in dia. and has 10 heavy-duty, vertical-wound coil spring teeth bolted to it.
"It will work in areas no other high production machine will reach," says Jack Anderson, inventor-manufacturer. "Probably the most surprising feature is that, regardless of how heavy the stand of weeds, or the type of weeds, the rotor won't wrap or plug. What's more, it'll work in mud, rocks, heavy sod, and most other extreme soil conditions.
"Action of the rotating tines provides near-perfect weed control in the rotor's path," explains Anderson. "We figure one pass with the Weed Badger is equivalent to 20 cultivations by ordinary means."
A sensor arm automatically retracts the rotor to clear each tree.
Anderson adds that the Weed Badger can also be used to cultivate under fence lines, in fence corners, and right up tight against farm buildings. The machine can be operated on either the right or left side of the tractor or skid steer loader. Average down-the-row working speed in trees is 1 1/2 to 2 mph.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Weed Badger, Jack Anderson, President, Marion, N. Dak. 58466 (701 778-7511).

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1982 - Volume #6, Issue #1