1978 - Volume #2, Issue #2, Page #18
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Modification Kit For Deere Corn Heads
"When I purchased my Deere corn head, I found that I had more of a carryover problem in corn than I had when harvesting milo on steep hills. In stopping the combine when it was full of corn, I discovered that the corn head was feeding approximately 75% of the ears into the lower side of the feeder house."
To prevent this from happening, Donald devised a modification kit. Here is how it works:
"The center ring prevents any ears of corn from going past the center of the feeder house, thereby preventing the low side buildup. Belt "flippers" immediately push the ears down and back into the feeder house in a smooth, positive manner. Combine separator capacity is increased because grain is spread more evenly over the shelling and cleaning area of the machine."
The kit pictured is on his own combine and has harvested more than 4,000 acres since it was installed. "The only part that wears with use is the belting," explains Donald.
He has set up a manufacturing plant to supply the modification kit to any interested owners of Deere corn heads. The kit is available factorydirect at $49.50, plus freight.
For more details, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, H.D. Enterprises, Donald Wegner, RR1, Box 5, White Cloud, Kan. 66094 (ph. 913-595-3327).
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