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Fence Monitor Sounds Alarm When Powers Out
Most electric fencers put out a high voltage pulse about once every second. A Wisconsin farmer-inventor has come up with a new automatic fence monitor that sets off an alarm if it doesn't receive at least one pulse every 10 seconds. The alarm is either a siren, bell or light or you can even hook up a more sophisticated version that'll dial a phone number.
Bill Young, Beloit, says his fence monitor can be connected to any fencer. "The two main causes of a fencer failure are lightning and shorting to the ground. Any condition that stops the flow of electricity will be detected and you'll find out about it before the cows do," says Young.
The alarm sells for $49.95, minus the cost of a siren or bell. Young also sells alarms for monitoring confinement barns for fire, broken water lines, milk cooler failure, low temperatures, or exhaust fan failure.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Wm. G. Young, Rt. 2, Box 319, Beloit, Wisc. 53511 (ph 608 364-4047).

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1985 - Volume #9, Issue #3