Cheap Way To Increase Building Clearance
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Nick Ries uses a 50 by 100-ft. shop to do maintenance work on tractors and other equipment. He wanted to bring his payloaders and semi tractors into the building, too, but he needed about 4 ft. more clearance on top. Instead of spending the money for a new building, he simply lowered the floor on part of the shed.
He ripped out a 15-ft. wide section of the concrete floor the length of the building, and then used a skid loader to dig out the dirt to a 4-ft. depth. He also made new 2-ft. sq. cement footings for the building's original support posts.
"As we worked we dug out about 8 ft. of dirt at a time, then poured the cement footings one post at a time. We also replaced the building's original sliding door with a new, larger overhead door."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Nick Ries, 17205 230th St. E., Hastings, Minn. 55033 (ph 651 226-8314).

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Cheap Way To Increase Building Clearance Nick Ries uses a 50 by 100-ft shop to do maintenance work on tractors and other equipment He wanted to bring his payloaders and semi tractors into the building too but he needed about 4 ft more clearance on top Instead of spending the money for a new building he simply lowered the floor on part of the shed
He ripped out a 15-ft wide section of the concrete floor the length of the building and then used a skid loader to dig out the dirt to a 4-ft depth He also made new 2-ft sq cement footings for the building s original support posts
As we worked we dug out about 8 ft of dirt at a time then poured the cement footings one post at a time We also replaced the building s original sliding door with a new larger overhead door
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup Nick Ries 17205 230th St E Hastings Minn 55033 ph 651 226-8314
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