Homemade Rocking Chair
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Someone gave me this cast iron seat. He wanted to give it a good home so I told him I’d convert it into a rocking chair. The 15-in. high steel wheels are off a small wagon, with leaf springs welded onto the bottom. The armrests are made from stained wood, and the back was made by cutting down a steel gate. There’s a cup holder on one side. (George Feltz, 6280 5th St., Stevens Point, Wis. 54482, ph 715 341-0162)

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Homemade Rocking Chair FARM HOME Miscellaneous Someone gave me this cast iron seat He wanted to give it a good home so I told him I’d convert it into a rocking chair The 15-in high steel wheels are off a small wagon with leaf springs welded onto the bottom The armrests are made from stained wood and the back was made by cutting down a steel gate There’s a cup holder on one side George Feltz 6280 5th St Stevens Point Wis 54482 ph 715 341-0162
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