Long-Handled Dandelion Digger Harvests Asparagus
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Using a long-handled dandelion digger, it’s possible to harvest asparagus without having to bend over. I use a spring-loaded “grabber” to hold the asparagus while I cut it off with the knife. (C.F. Marley, 26288 Oconee Ave., Nokomis, Ill. 62075, ph 217 563-2588)

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Long-Handled Dandelion Digger Harvests Asparagus FARM HOME Food Using a long-handled dandelion digger it’s possible to harvest asparagus without having to bend over I use a spring-loaded “grabber” to hold the asparagus while I cut it off with the knife C F Marley 26288 Oconee Ave Nokomis Ill 62075 ph 217 563-2588
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