2013 - Volume #37, Issue #4, Page #34
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Weedeater Fitted With Bicycle Wheel Spokes
The spokes off old bicycle wheels work great on a weed eater in place of the original strings, says Darrel Adams, Salem, Ore. “They last much longer and are a lot tougher than the conventional plastic strings you find on most weed eaters,” says Adams, who notes that his brother Galen came up with the idea.
Galen simply removes the original plastic strings and replaces them with the spokes, which he cuts to a 3-in. length. He sticks the spokes through the weedeater’s original string holes.
“Each spoke has a 90 degree bend and a knob at one end, so the spokes can’t fly out of the mounting holes as they’re being spun around. Centrifugal force keeps them on tight,” says Darrel. “You don’t want to cut the spokes too long or they could overpower the weedeater. However, if you have a weedeater with a lot of power you could probably use longer spokes.”
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Darrel Adams, 5356 Rodell Dr. S.E., Salem, Ore. 97317 (ph 503 540-5612 or 503 302-0369; trademill39@gmail.com).

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