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Mud-X Gauge Wheel Eliminates Plugging
“It’s the only gauge wheel with traction. It prevents plugging by keeping mud from entering between the disc opener and gauge wheel,” says South Dakota inventor Danny Wipf about his company’s new Pro-Stitch Mud-X gauge wheel. It’s designed to be used with the company’s unique Pro-Stitch closing wheels.
  Made from UHMW, the Mud-X gauge wheel measures 3 in. wide by 16 in. high and is designed to fit most corn planters as well as all Deere and Case IH air seeders. What makes the gauge wheel unique is that it has molded lugs built into it, which allows it to gain traction even in muddy ground. The gauge wheel also acts as a scraper, keeping the disc opener clean.
  The Mud-X mounts on a heavy-duty rim and has a stainless steel hub. To install, remove the original gauge wheel and replace it with the Mud-X using the original arm.
  The company says its Pro-Stitch closing wheel has a blunt tooth design that applies six times more down pressure to the sidewall of the trench than standard round closing wheels, thus reducing sidewall compaction by fracturing and pushing the seed slot from side to side.
  “After many years of no-tilling and trying many different ideas, fighting wet springs and soggy conditions, we saw no choice but to come up with our own solution,” says Wipf. “We needed a closing wheel that would work in all crop rotations and soil conditions ranging from wet, low ground to dry hilltops, without causing sidewall compaction. The Pro-Stitch closing wheel tucks the soil firmly against the seed, reduces sidewall compaction, closes the slot and operates at the minimum pressure setting for all field conditions.
  “We recommend staggering the wheels, one ahead of the other, and keeping them 1 1/2 to 1 3/4 in. apart. That way the wheels run out of time due to soil pressure, creating the perfect stitch effect.”
  The Mud-X gauge wheel sells for $115 each plus S&H. Closing wheels for Deere, White and Kinze planters sell for $210 per row. Case IH closing wheels with mounting brackets sell for $275 per row.  
  The Pro-Stitch closing wheel for Case IH and Deere air seeders sells for $100 each.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Pro Stitch, 43274 267th St., Bridgewater, S. Dak. 57319 (ph 605 999-3503; sales@prostitchag.com; www.prostitchag.com).

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2013 - Volume #37, Issue #2