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Kit Lets You Bleed Brakes Yourself
Marco Romani says his power brake bleeder kit saves money on brake jobs, and marriages, too!
  “Bleeding brakes usually requires someone...often a spouse...sitting in the car pumping the brakes,” says Romani. “With our Power Bleeder, one guy can do it himself. I’ve had guys tell me it took one big irritation out of their marriage.”
  The Power Bleeder kit consists of a pressurizer jug with a hand pump and pressure gauge, bleeder tubes, and a hose with a cap fitting to match the brake cylinder reservoir neck. Different makes and models require different caps, but the company has a wide variety to match most domestic and import brands.
  Romani got the idea for the kit while working on his own brakes. After watching a mechanic with a commercial machine, he knew he could make one simpler and less expensive.
  “I built one for myself and then for friends and others,” says Romani. “The business literally grew out of my garage.”
  The kit works by pressurizing the system, pushing the fluid out the bleed valve on brake cylinders. Bleeder tubes attached to the cylinder valves carry the fluid to a container for safe disposal.
  Romani advises checking fluid first to ensure it’s not excessively dirty, as pushing the impurities through may damage or plug lines. If the fluid is dirty, siphon out available fluid instead, and refill with clean fluid before pressurizing and continuing the process.
  “Follow vehicle service manual instructions regarding the recommended bleeding sequence,” says Romani.
  Brake bleeding kits range in price from $54.95 to $99.95, depending on make and model. The company also makes Power Fill kits and Power Extractors for changing crankcase and transmission fluid.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Motive Products, 5750 Obata Way, Unit G, Gilroy, Calif. 95020 (ph 408 846-8800; www.motiveproducts.com).

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2012 - Volume #36, Issue #6