1977 - Volume #1, Issue #2, Page #28
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Self-Feeding Cable Catching On Fast
“It’s catching on fast,” says William Crist, inventor of the unique Posi-Schock cable for self-feeding livestock from any pile or stack of feed. “It gets the job done without expensive equipment and virtually eliminates waste.”The Posi-Shock Cable is placed approximately 3 ft. high in front of the feed. Livestock reach over and under the cable to self-feed. Daily consumption can be regulated by how close the cable is set to the pile or stack.
The cable consists of alternately spaced “ground” barbs and “hot” barbs. It’s energized by an electric fence charger. “The schock livestock receives is only at the point of body contact. It only gives them a sting – just enough to keep them away from the cable,” explains Crist. “Since it contains its own ground, it works regardless of what cattle are standing on, or the weather conditions.”
Crist points out that the cable’s operation is much gentler and different than a conventional fence: “When cattle touch an ordinary electric fence, they get shocked throughout their entire body, which scares them away. If the ground is frozen or snow packed, they may get no shock at all and won’t pay any attention to the wire. This doesn’t happen with the Posi-Shock cable. It works in all kinds of weather, and doesn’t scare cattle away.”
For more details, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Crist Products, Wessington Springs, S. Dak. 57382 (ph 605 539-5782).

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