1977 - Volume #1, Issue #2, Page #28
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New Cattle Feeder Is Tongue Powered
You can selectively feed liquid protein, pelleted feeds, and whole or processed grain in the new “tongue-powered” Cattle Drive feeder introduced by GTA Feeds, Sioux Falls, S. Dak. Animals themselves provide the power to operate this first-of-its kind automatic feeder. Here’s how it works:A 120 bu. grain tank and metering system is positioned above a 1 1/2 ton-capacity liquid supplement tank which is equipped with a lickwheel in each of four compartments. A flexible shaft connects the lickwheel to the metering mechanism of the grain tank. As the animal licks the lickwheel and turns it, the shaft turns and a preset amount of grain (pellets, whole or coarse-ground) is released and fed into a pan located adjacent to the lickwheel.
“Cattle Drive gives cattlemen the freedom to self-feed a limited ration without having to add unnecessary ingredients,” explains Ron Claussen communications director. “It also lets cattlemen regulate rations according to their own special needs.”
The feeder can be calibrated to automatically dispense from 1 to 10 lbs. of dry grain per pound of liquid. Consumption of liquid is controlled by special plates which regulate how much of the wheel surface is exposed.
“For example, a rancher wintering cows might want 2 lbs. of barley fed, or, if wintering calves, may want 6 lbs. of barley released,” Claussen explains. “The feeder can be used to winter or flush brood cows, supply extra protein and energy during lactation, for supplementing pastures or low-energy crop residues, and other uses.
Claussen notes that the feeder has been tested by individual ranchers and by researchers at South Dakota, Montana and Idaho state universities.
“If worked satisfactorily and with minimal labor,” reports Montana researchers. They note that it took about two weeks before all cattle associated the lickwheel and the grain. Some used it more than the others and one heifer refused to lick the wheel at all. Two animals wouldn’t lick the supplement but would crowd out other heifers and eat the grain when it dropped into the bin. Cattle were fed a ratio of 1 lb. of liquid supplement to 4 lbs. of steam0rolled barley for two months, with the amount of barley gradually increased thereafter until the cattle were consuming 10 lbs.
Cattle Drive is available through GTA outlets in Minnesota, the Dakotas, Nebraska, Iowa and several western states, and will soon be available through livestock equipment dealers in states not served by GTA.
For more details contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Ron Claussen communications director, GTA Feeds, Box 1447, Sioux Falls, S. Dak. (ph 605 339-1050).

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