1977 - Volume #1, Issue #2, Page #18
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Grain Loss Monitor Fits Most Combines
DICKEY-john’s just-introduced grain loss monitor not only tells you how much you’re losing, but whether you’re losing it from the sieves, or the straw walkers.
With this knowledge, the operator can make adjustments on the combine to keep field loss at a bare minimum. A ground speed sensor is tied to the monitor, allowing precise determination of optimum running speed to minimize grain losses.
The unit is composed of a control console, the ground speed sensor, and two each walker and shoe sensors, along with a sufficient length of wiring harness. The control console has a grain select knob with three positions -- one for corn, one for soybeans, and one for wheat or other small grains. The console also has an indicator showing whether grain loss is within acceptable limits or not, and a switch which lets you determine whether to monitor both the shoe and walker, or one and not the other.
According to the manufacturer, the Grain Loss Monitor fits most of the newer makes of combines. Price of the complete system, designed for do-it-yourself installation, $440.
For more details, contact: FARM SHOW Followup; DICKEY-john Corp., PO Box 10, Auburn, Ill. 62615 (ph 217 438-6181).

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