1977 - Volume #1, Issue #2, Page #15
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New "Affordable" Pregnancy Tester
Here’s good new for swine producers who have been waiting for the price of pregnancy testers to come down to a more “affordable” range. New from Agri-Electronics is the Preg-Sensor, priced at $495.
“If you’re interested in testing for pregnancy only, it does the same job as units costing $1,300,” says Dick Young, sales manager.
Pregnancy can be detected as soon as 30 days and as late as 110 days (if needed).
Testing is accomplished by placing a small amount of gel on the end of the probe and placing the probe approximately in line with the 2nd nipple from the rear and approximately 2 in. up from the nipple line. A red light indicates not pregnant. A solid blue light and tone indicate pregnant.
A second reading should be taken at approximately 60 days. This verifies that the animals are still pregnant. it also provides the manager with an opportunity to inspect all animals midway through gestation.
The Preg-Sensor is compact and light. Weighs only 2 3/4 lbs. Can be used in stalls, pens or in outdoor lots. In bright sunlight, when lights are difficult to see, the tone is always present to verify pregnancy.
For more details, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Agri-Electronics, 9742 Humbolt, Bloomington, Minn. 55431 (ph 612 884-4220).

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