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Air Filter Cleaner Fitted With Rotating Nozzle
“Dirty air filters on diesel combines, tractors and trucks cost machine owners thousands of dollars every year,” say Shawn Peterson and Al Westendorf, inventors of the Diesel Air Filter Cleaner, a new device that thoroughly cleans any size diesel air filter using a conventional air compressor.
  The cleaner consists of a 29-in. long metal tube that slips through the center of a round cover that’s placed on the top of a filter. A standard 3/8-in. air chuck connects to the top end of the tube and blows compressed air out the bottom through a rotary brass nozzle with three curved arms. As the tube is pushed up and down inside the filter, the air nozzles rotate and blow dust out of the filter membrane.
  Peterson says the design of the nozzle is the key reason that the invention works so well. “Using three nozzle arms creates a centrifugal action that blows air uniformly through the filter membrane without harming it like a single hand-held nozzle,” Peterson says. “That uniform air distribution thoroughly cleans a filter without damaging the membrane like it might be from extreme high pressure with hand-held nozzles.” The brass nozzle has three curved output tubes and rotates on a machined shaft. Peterson says the input pressure should not exceed 130 psi so the output at the nozzles will be 30 to 40 psi.
  The Diesel Air Filter Cleaner, which has a patent pending, works on filters with an inside diameter of 3 to 8 in. Nozzle extensions can be easily added to the brass discharge arms for larger filters.
  The round cover is designed to fit any diameter filter. The bottom of the cover is shaped like an inverted pyramid with hard edges on four progressively smaller concentric circles. This design prevents dust from re-entering the filter because the cover seals tightly to the top of the filter being cleaned.
  Peterson says the filter cleaner will easily pay for itself after a few hours of use. “We know for a fact that running a combine or tractor with a plugged air filter requires 3 to 5 gal. more fuel an hour than running it with a clean filter,” he says. “Using this cleaner every day for a few minutes, sometimes twice a day in extremely dusty conditions, saves fuel, saves money, assures good engine performance and reduces maintenance.”
   The Diesel Air Filter Cleaner sells for $350 plus shipping and handling. It’s available by calling the company or from their website.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Shawn Peterson, Diesel Air Filter Cleaner, 39009 236th St., Woonsocket, S. Dak. 57385 (ph 605 796-4288; filtercleaner@gmail.com; www.dieselairfiltercleaner.com).

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2012 - Volume #36, Issue #5