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Chop Saw Mounts On Portable Stand
Stew Kunkel made a nifty portable stand for his metal chop saw. It supports long pieces of steel to be cut, lets him swivel the saw easily to cut angles, and carries the saw into storage when not in use. It even holds extra blades.
  “The only thing I bought for it was aluminum C-channel for the work supports,” says Kunkel. “The steel frame table was being discarded at work, and I used a slewing bearing salvaged from an old swivel recliner.”
  Kunkel stripped the 6-ft. long table down to its 42-in. high, 18-in. wide steel tubular frame. He reinforced it at the corners with bracing and welded steel plate at one end for a saw mount. On the opposite side of the saw mount, Kunkel welded a short length of threaded rod. He hangs extra blades for the chop saw on the rod with spacer disks cut from poly sheets.
  “The blades are held out of the way, and the spacers help protect the blade tips,” explains Kunkel.   
  He used angle iron and steel plate to make a frame for the saw to set in and attached it to the saw mount with the slewing bearing in between. When the saw is set into the frame, it can be swiveled to any desired angle for cutting. A pin lock welded to one side of the framework locks the saw into position.
  Lengths of the aluminum C-channel were mounted on spacers to match the height of the chop saw cutting surface. They provide support for longer pieces of metal being cut with the saw.
  When not in use, Kunkel removes the saw and tips the table on end. Round stock welded to one end of the table and to legs at that end serve as wheel mounts. They also serve as grab bars for tipping. He fabricated a second angle iron frame and mounted it to the inside of the legs as a place to store the saw.
  “I mounted fixed wheels on the ends of the legs and caster wheels to the corner of the table and the legs,” says Kunkel. “If the table is down and in use, I can tip the other end up and wheelbarrow it around as needed on the fixed wheels. When it’s in storage mode, the caster wheels make it easy to move the table around.”
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Stewart Kunkel, 15728 153rd Ave. S.E., Yelm, Wash. 98597 (ph 360 701-1177, kskunkel@fairpoint.net).

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2012 - Volume #36, Issue #4