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Repair To Chainsaw
Mark Schwengel, Bowler, Wis.: “Loose muffler bolts caused hot exhaust to burn a 1-in. dia. hole on top of the bar oil reservoir on my 1998 Husqvarna 141 chainsaw. A local shop told me it couldn’t be repaired.
  “So I went home and drained the remaining oil, stuffed some old panty hose in the hole, and used a utility knife to whittle the edges of the hole flat. I used a shop vac to suck out any dust chips and removed the panty hose. Then I cleaned the surface twice with alcohol and glued on a 1/16-in. thick aluminum patch with high temperature epoxy. Now 3 1/2 years later it’s still holding. The entire process took less than a half hour and cost less than $5.”

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2012 - Volume #36, Issue #3