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New Automatic Hoof Trimmer For Sheep
Trimming the hooves on sheep is as simple as walking them through a chute, thanks to the new Automatic Hoof Trimmer from Dejong Welding, Sheridan, Ore.
"It allows one man, working alone, to easily hoof trim up to 1,000 head per day," says Michael Brown, inventor-manufacturer. "With hand trimming you'd have to hustle to do 100 sheep a day".
The idea for the chute, says Brown, came from a local farmer who'd seen something similar in Europe but was unable to contact the company or get literature. The farmer told Brown what he needed and Brown did the designing and building. He notes that the chute's been suggested for cattle and other livestock but, as of yet, he hasn't built a chute large enough to handle them.
In using the chute, you simply group sheep by size and walks them through one at a time. It's adjustable to fit any size sheep.
The unit's mounted on a two-wheel trailer for easy transport from one farm to another. Sheep climb up the chute's ramp, walk through the 6-ft. long chute and down a ramp on the opposite side.
As they walk through, their left and right feet are separated by an angled divider that directs their feet onto a ?-in. rod located on each side of the divider. The rods, run the length of the chute, separating their hooves and keeping them from actually walking on the 34-in. wide waterproof silicone belt that sands off the tips of their hooves
The belt, which has adjustable speeds, can be raised or lowered depending on how much of the hoof you want to remove. It's hydraulically powered off a self-contained 8-hp. gas engine.
Brown feels that operators with large flocks or those with smaller flocks but who also want to do custom work are his best "prospects" for the new chute. It sells for $7,800.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, DeJong Welding, Michael Brown, Rt. 1, Box 74, Sheridan, Ore. 97378 (ph 503 843-3415).

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1987 - Volume #11, Issue #2