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Russian Filter Cleans Up Milk
A new, in-line filtration system from Russia cleans up milk before it hits the bulk tank. The UVMILK filter traps 98 percent of foreign particles and 30 to 50 percent of bacteria and somatic cells. However, it doesn’t stop milk fat or protein.
The UVMILK filter was introduced to the North American market at the recent World Dairy Expo. Company representatives indicated they are looking for North American dealers.
A spokesperson said the UVMILK filtration system can improve milk grade, prevent growth of acidity and extend raw milk life. They added that a filter sized to handle 10,000 lbs. of milk a day costs a little more than $4 a day, yet could result in substantial quality premiums.
The filters are available in a variety of sizes to accommodate a wide range of herd sizes and production levels. They are made from food-grade, certified polypropylene and meet international standards. The filters are designed for a maximum flow rate of 80 gpm at 367 psi.
Once the filter housing is installed, daily maintenance consists of changing the filter. The company warns that overnight bacteria growth can contaminate fresh milk.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Gera Ltd., Bank of the River Don, 26, Voronezh, Russia 394070 (ph 011 44 7473-2260889; uvmilk@yandex.ru; www.uvmilk.com).

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2011 - Volume #35, Issue #6