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"Tilt Wall" Bunk Lowers Feeding Costs
A Finnish dairy barn design is catching on fast because it saves dairy producers money in multiple ways. Architect Jouni Pitkäranta’s design with its “turning outside wall” cuts construction costs, upkeep costs, and feed costs.
“The feeding alley in a conventional barn is a waste of space and just more area to be cooled in the summer,” explains Kevin Kraemer, Advanced Dairy Systems Ltd. He is the first North American dairy building designer to introduce the concept. “A dairy farmer with a 60-cow robotic milker, wall and bunk system can save $40,000 or more just on construction costs. Later, he will need fewer fans and less power to cool the herd.”
Pitkäranta says feeding costs are also affected. Because feed is delivered to a bunk instead of the flat floor, cows can’t simply push away less desirable feed. When they try, it simply rolls back into place.
Feed bunks are built along the outside walls of loafing barns. To feed, hydraulic cylinders turn or tilt the upper outside wall to expose the bunk. After the feed cart has passed by, the wall is lowered back into place, protecting the bunk and the cows.
“Unlike in a feeding alley, you don’t have mud and manure from tractor and feed wagon wheels dropping into the feeding area,” says Pitkäranta. “You also eliminate having to clean out the feeding alley. If you simply feed a bit less every so often the cows will clean it out.”
Pitkäranta explains that while many producers believe cows need to be fed to the point of feed refusal, his customers feed only once every 24 hrs. with the goal of the bunk being empty for an hour a day.
“One farmer purposefully overfed, but when he compared it to limited feeding, it produced no extra milk,” says Pitkäranta. “Even if new feed is placed over old feed, it’s not a problem in the stainless steel bunk.”
In the 12 years since it was introduced, 140 barns have been built with Outside Feeding systems in Finland. The system has also been introduced in Sweden, Denmark and elsewhere. Now it’s being introduced to North America.
Pitkäranta has modified the original design, making it more robust and yet simple. The new system can be fitted with bird netting and can be opened in the summer for additional ventilation.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Advanced Dairy Systems Ltd., 2076 Perth Line 56, R.R. #2, Wellesley, Ont., Canada N0B 2T0 (ph 519 656-2379; toll free 888 233-9223; advanceddairy@advanceddairy.ca; www.advanceddairy.ca); or Jouni Pitkäranta, 
Ketojenkatu 8, 
60320 Seinäjoki, Finland (ph 011 44 358 400 166 058; jouni.pitkaranta@netikka.fi; www.cowhomes.com; www.outsidefeeding.com).

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2011 - Volume #35, Issue #6