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Mini IH Farmall
"I built it because I needed a tractor that could be parked partially under a semi trailer due to cramped conditions for loading grain in our yard," says Tom C. Laird, Thedford, Ontario, about the "mini" IH Farmall he built using parts from junked tractors.
"I call it a "W2" because it looks like it's one size smaller than the W4, W6, and W9 series of IH tractors. Overall width is just under 5 ft. with duals. It's 8 ft. long and 56 in. high and has standard 540 pto, belt pulley, live hydraulics, and a front push hitch fora grader blade. The rear end, transmission and final drives are out of an old "A". By removing the 17-in. structural piece from under the seat on the A, and turning the final drive housings a quarter turn, I both lowered and narrowed up the tractor. Mounting holes had to be redrilled and the pinion shaft was machined shorter.
"The bell housing came from an "SC" tractor. Removing the hydraulic unit from the bell housing left a flat area to mount the steering box, which was salvaged from a "W4". The small steering wheel
came off the old "A" and fit perfectly. The 123 engine, gas tank, and radiator came off an old "76" pull-type combine and also fit perfectly on the bell housing.
"I built up the front axle from 3 ft. of I-beam which I boxed in. I shortened the king pin of the old "A" spindles and welded them onto the I-beam. I also built a lower bolster to bolt under the radiator support and allow the axle to rock. The steering arms, steering rods, clutch pedal, throttle, gear shifter, fenders, drawbar, and seat support were all removed from the old "A" and rebuilt. Seat came from a F560, hood and grill are true "A" parts.
"To help smooth out the ride, I built a set of duals from a pair of New Idea spreader rims which help a lot when we use it to rake hay or do other field chores. I also built a 1-row belly-mount cultivator, grader blade, and front-end snowblade. I also plan to build a lawn-mower because commercial mowers won't fit under the short wheelbase."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Tom C. Laird, Rt. 1, Thedford, Ontario N0M 2N0 Canada.

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1990 - Volume #14, Issue #3