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ATV-Mounted Soil Sampler
A French company sells a hydraulic-powered soil sampler on an American-built Polaris ATV. Weight of the heavy-built unit is carried by the four rear drive wheels on the Polaris 6-wheeler.
An 8-hp. Briggs & Stratton motor drives a hydraulic pump that powers the soil testers sampler. The sampler raises up to the vertical position hydraulically, and is fitted with a cylinder that presses the core sampler into even the hardest ground. Samples are ejected automatically into a pan mounted at the rear of the ATV. Hydraulic cylinders also drop stabilizer legs to the ground to hold the ATV steady while samples are taken. The operator never has to get off the machine while taking samples.
Sells for about $15,000, including the ATV. The hydraulic power unit can be used to power other equipment.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Solagri, 62170 Brimeux, France (ph 21 06 17 15; fax 21 81 42 25).

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1994 - Volume #18, Issue #3