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Flatbed Equipment Hauler With Steerable Rear Axle
French manufacturer Cochet came up with this flatbed trailer fitted with an electrohydraulic steerable rear axle that's con-trolled by a sensor on the tractor drawbar.
A single hydraulic cylinder controls a tie rod on the back axle of the trailer, which is designed to drop flat to the ground. Flow of fluid to the steering cylinder is controlled by a mechanically-activated sensor on the drawbar that turns the trailer's rear axle as the tractor turns, allowing much sharper turns in the field. The new-style steering axle could be fitted to other lengthy equipment.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Cochet, Le Gue Ory, 72130 Souge le Ganelon, France (ph 43 97 30 07; fax 43 33 79 17).

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1994 - Volume #18, Issue #3