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Bumper Makes Good Grader Blade
When Russell Burdett needed a blade to level his driveway, he made one out of scrap parts and a 1979 Chevrolet pickup bumper.
  "It's heavy and the same width as my Deere 210 lawn mower tractor," he says.
   He made a 3-pt. hookup out of angle iron for the bumper.
  "I put a bolt in the hole on each side of the tractor hitch and made a hole in the angle iron big enough to fit over the bolt. I put a nut on it so it swivels like a hitch on a tractor," Burdett explains.
  He bolted a spring-loaded lever on the tongue that lets him lift up the bumper blade and slide a piece of iron under one of the arms to hold the bumper blade up. When he wants to lower it, he pulls the lever and a string to pull the iron out.
  He bolted angle iron to the bottom of the bumper with the edge cutting into the ground. One or two cement blocks add enough weight for the blade to do a nice job of leveling.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Russell Burdett, 2520 Perry Hwy., Hadley, Penn. 16130 (ph 724 253-2313).

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2011 - Volume #35, Issue #4