Sheath Cleaner For Cattle
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At one time, I had a gelding that needed to have his sheath cleaned about every month or he would get urinary tract infections. I got tired of expensive gel soap dribbling down my forearm and landing in the dirt, so I made a squeeze bottle to get the soap to where it was needed. A couple other cowboys in my area heard about it and wanted one so I started making them for the public.
It's just a simple device to assist in the efficient performance of a very necessary hygienic procedure for all geldings and mares. I call it Uncle Jed's Weenie-Kleen. Comes with soap and instruction booklet. Sells for $30 plus S&H. (Jed Greene, 6301 Grand Ave. 112, Ft. Smith, Ark. 72904

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Sheath Cleaner For Cattle LIVESTOCK Horses/Mules At one time I had a gelding that needed to have his sheath cleaned about every month or he would get urinary tract infections I got tired of expensive gel soap dribbling down my forearm and landing in the dirt so I made a squeeze bottle to get the soap to where it was needed A couple other cowboys in my area heard about it and wanted one so I started making them for the public It s just a simple device to assist in the efficient performance of a very necessary hygienic procedure for all geldings and mares I call it Uncle Jed s Weenie-Kleen Comes with soap and instruction booklet Sells for $30 plus S&H Jed Greene 6301 Grand Ave 112 Ft Smith Ark 72904 jedgreene@jeffnet org
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